Silent Mind Blog

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The Best Free Yoga on YouTube: 4 Flows to Try This Week

The Best Free Yoga on YouTube: 4 Flows to Try This Week

This morning flow is perfect if you wake up sore or want to get more morning movement but aren’t a morning exerciser. Juliana takes us through a short run of stretches before moving into a moderately-paced vinyasa sequence that leaves you primed and ready for the day.

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The Ultimate Guide to the At-Home Sound Bath

The Ultimate Guide to the At-Home Sound Bath

Sit and meditate on this for a minute, taking full, even breaths. Now begin to play, going between singing bowls and playing techniques in whichever sequence or pattern feels right to you.

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Body, Mind, Soul: 7 Mindfulness Benefits Everyone Deserves

Body, Mind, Soul: 7 Mindfulness Benefits Everyone Deserves

If we want to use mindfulness for a specific aim, such as relaxation or creativity, we can support the practice with tools and techniques. Playing a singing bowl, doing breathing exercises, or gazing at the flame of a candle are a few examples.

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Relaxation Breathing Exercises: A Beginner’s Guide

Relaxation Breathing Exercises: A Beginner’s Guide

Today, let’s focus solely on breathing for relaxation. We’ll answer common questions about relaxation breathing exercises, techniques, and how to benefit from the breath in general.

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