Whether you’re listening to your favorite song or playing your singing bowl, sound undeniably affects our feelings. We can well up with nostalgia, feel joy and excitement, or experience a deep and profound sense of calm.
Compassion is a word we hear a lot in relation to our meditation and mindfulness practices. How can we transcend our ego-driven grudges and learn to forgive? How can we come to better understand the emotions and actions of those around us? By cultivating compassion.
Some days, a strong vinyasa is in order to burn off negative energy and purify before we wind down. Other days, we’re just not in a meditation frame of mind until we perform some restorative postures.
It’s completely normal to feel down in the dumps sometimes. But even when things are going well, it can feel like we’re not as happy as we should be. What are we missing? Why don’t we feel as joyful as we know we’re capable of? Some scientific studies and reviews may have the right idea. Here are three things we can do every day to cultivate more happiness. Make more rewarding purchases. Everyone’s familiar with the lift we get from shopping. The trouble is, you’re going to get used to your new necklace or smartphone. Worse yet, you’ll inevitably...