The throat chakra is located smack-dab in the middle of the throat. It’s as prevalent at the back of your neck as it is at the front of your throat, so picture its clear, placid blue light casting a glow from the center out of both sides.
Anxiety comes with a sense of urgency and heightened sensitivity. Challenge yourself to stop acting on what it tells you and committing to a mindful life WITH anxiety. If you can only do these practices when you’re not anxious, you’ll have trouble being consistent. And as you know, without consistency, the long-term benefits will never arrive.
One end is wooden, while the other has been wrapped in suede. Each end will help you produce a different sound with your singing bowl. The exposed wooden end of the striker will create a sound that is quite impactful. You could even consider it the simplified and amplified version of what a singing bowl can do. It is often louder and more piercing, without much complexity. The sueded or padded end is much more popular. This is where the subtleties of a singing bowl shine through. The sueded softens the overall sound and unravels layers that make...
The crown chakra is represented by a glowing violet lotus with 1,000 opening petals. If you have trouble visualizing a thousand petals while you work on this chakra, it’s okay - just picture as many as you can!